Mark completes a triple marathon after keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) to both knees to repair cartilage and menisci.

A series of injuries left Mark needing treatment on his knees to get him back to running.

Despite a serious injury in his 20s, Mark is a keen marathon runner.

He injured his left knee at the end of 2012, when he tripped up a kerb when running. He managed the London and Berlin Marathons in 2015 but it became more painful between the London Marathon April 2016 (where it was absolutely fine) and the Edinburgh Marathon May 2016.

Finally, the left knee popped at the end of a sprint intervals session. It got worse and worse, first he couldn’t run, then struggled to walk, it even became extremely painful just to stand on it.

He was given an initial diagnosis of a medial collateral ligament tear, however a subsequent MRI and X-Ray confirmed he also had a cartilage tear.

He heard about Adrian through running friends and was initially treated with a cortisone injection to take the swelling away, physiotherapy and eventually an arthroscopy (keyhole surgery).

He was back walking within days and running short runs on grass within 5 weeks, but then the right knee “blew” without any warning at all, leaving Mark with a catastrophic medial meniscus tear, identical in many ways to the left but more sudden and worse.

Mark then needed an arthroscopy to allow the torn flap of the medial meniscus to be removed and other areas of the tear abraded. All the ligaments were in good condition. Besides the meniscus tear, joint cartilage on the outer side was in great condition, but his leg alignment was putting pressure on the inner side of the joint and damaging the joint cartilage there.

Another arthroscopy was carried out to address these issues.

Mark was running again after 4-5 weeks, and with the work at the gym the right knee was immediately back strong, in line and reacting well to physio work and training.

Follow-up from Mark October 2017…
“I can’t say thank you enough. Last September and November you sorted my cartilage tears in both knees so well that I have just done the Berlin Marathon, the Basingstoke Half Marathon and today the Chicago Marathon in relentless sun and 84 degree heat! In successive weekends!

All down to your skill, and my bloody mindedness!”


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